A6/VE6LB was active Dec 2 to Dec 25 2014 for the last time!
Feb 2014 worked #340 FT5ZM for:
Also VA6XDX in some contests
Getting on in years, our big 2 story house and 1/3 acre of grass along with some mobility challenges, we moved to a nice walk out bungallow with a smaller yard.
I now have a shack on our main level and running 100 watts with a FTDX10 and a 50ft EFHW at 35ft.
VE6LB Travels
A6/VE6LB was active from Dec. 2/14 to Dec 24/14 from Dubai for the last time. Family has moved home to VE6. Holiday style operation. Mainly CW 10 to 40 meters. 100 Watts and G5RV. 1100+ Qs where made.
I was be active from A6 again from Dec. 20, 2011 to Jan. 10, 2012. Same set-up as before but more focus on 10/12 meters with the higher SF.
I operated as A6/VE6LB from Dubai from Jan. 9, 2010 to Feb 7, 2010 and Jan. 13, 2011 to Feb. 9, 2011.
These are part time, vacation operation. 100 watts and a G5RV-M antenna.
I made 6,700+ QSOs to date, mostly CW.
QSL Direct at QRZ or (OQRS on ClubLog), LoTW, eQSL or send me an email ve6lb@telus.net for a bureau card.
Postage from Canada to US is $2US and international is $3US. A new IRC is fine to anywhere. Insufficient postage requests will be answered via the bureau.
Logs are on-line log at ClubLog and uploaded to LoTW and eQSL (eQSL may no be until I'm home).
Beijing China 2003 Dubai 2008 (no licenses granted to visitors at this time)
QSL MANAGER: I manage QSLs for a couple silent keys. RAC has change the outgoing bureau rules that limit my sending of cards as follows:
3C2MV/ VE6JO: Direct only! No bureau. QSOs are uploaded to eQSL and LoTW.
VA6IK: Bureau or direct is OK. QSOs are uploaded to eQSL and LoTW.
Direct QSL need $2US or 2s IRC and an SAE.
The DXCC desk publishes a comprehensive list of information on their site.
Click the link to take you to the latest information. ARRLWeb: DXCC Rules
EXCEL ARRL DXCC Application QSO Record Form:
ARRL DXCC has released an Online Tool to record new QSO for submission for DXCC and Challenge credits. It's the way to go now. It's cheaper and faster than the manual method we've used to date. This tool will record your QSLs as you get them online. I strongly recommend the use of this tool. It can be found at: https://p1k.arrl.org/onlinedxcc/
I've created an EXCEL spread sheet (works fine with MS WORKS as well) that makes inputting and editing ARRL DXCC record forms easier. If you'd like a copy, please click the Link below.
Download ARRL DXCC paper submission record form:
EXCEL DXCC Tracking Form: Since Logger32 www.logger32.net provides for full tracking of worked, confirmed, submitted and granted contacts, I no longer support this EXCEL tool.
Need your DXCC, WAS or VUCC submission and cards checked? Contact:
VE6LB ve6lb@telus.net (403) 251-0384
ARRL DXCC Field Checker-including
160 and deleted
Most kindly hand written for me by Kan, JA1BK at the IARU meeting in Bangalore and hand delivered by Tim VE6SH. The rock is a piece of coral from Swains.
ARRL Field QSL Card Checkers (DXCC, VUCC & WAS)
Myths of Low Band DXing (an article written by VE6LB)
HF-2V 160
(by VE6LB) Click
Picture to Enlarge
** Download #1 Honor Role on a Dummy Load -TCA Article (.pdf)
** Download QSLing Presentation (Power Point)
** Download Low Band DXing Presentation (Power Point)
** Download WWV/Propagation Presentation (WORD)
** Download Log Book of the World Presentation (Power Point)
** Download DXCC Field Checking Presentation (Power Point)